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Ending is a new beginning

June 11, 2010

It’s hard to believe that it’s almost been a year since I moved to Chicago to start my master’s degree at the Medill School of Journalism. Today, in Washington, after a year of hard work, countless interviews, approximately 4,000 pictures, more than a dozen videos, many, many articles it is coming to an end. It’s the last day at the newsroom, the last day of school – next weekend, I will be at graduation in Evanston.*

The most memorable and most amazing part of this year, however, are the wonderful friends I’ve made here. My fellow Medillians, you continue to inspire me, you made me laugh, you made the hard work fun, and I’m in awe of you and the things you are setting out to do.

In this sense, let’s remember it’s not really a goodbye. There will always be opportunities to see each other, be it in L.A., South Africa, Chicago, Cairo, Washington or Berlin. Keep in touch, keep kicking ass. You’re amazing.

*(Technically I’m not completely done yet – I’m part of an exciting fellowship program in the fall, reporting on national security and climate change. But after much back and forth, I was allowed to participate in graduation with all my friends. I’ll try not to cry.)

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  1. mike permalink

    I am sure I will……

  2. urisanz permalink

    Love the Hello Goodbye video and message.

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